All over social media I’ve seen people asking, ‘What is your 2018 word of the year?’ After much thought, I’ve finally decided my word is BE!
Sometimes I struggle with being myself, being present, being content and being adventurous. I want to BE more of those things in 2018!
The dictionary defines BE this way:
1. exist.“there are no easy answers”
synonyms: exist, have being, have existence2. occur; take place.“the exhibition will be in November”synonyms: occur, happen, take place, come about, arise, crop up, transpire, fall, materialize, ensue
There are some BIG things on the 2018 calendar for our family and I am planning to BE there for all of it!
“ Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
No I don’t have one. I hadn’t really thought about it but I really like yours!
I love this! It’s so hard for me to pick a word in advance. Looking back at last year it was easy to see what my theme was – stepping outside my comfort zone (race-car experience, ziplining, etc)!!! Looking forward I am not so sure.
I love your word! BE. It can encompass you in so many ways.
My word is minimize. We, David and I, both want to simplify our lives by decluttering our home and schedules making time for the important things that sometimes are forgotten or rushed. Here’s to a jolly good 2018!