My friend, Ellen, recently opened her own shop – That Chic Mom Tees – and this is one of the shirts she sells! The shirt is incredibly soft. I can’t wait to see what else she makes!
Happy Wednesday!
Hi! I am Sara Phillips from Sensibly Sara. I write enjoy sharing super simple recipes, easy-to-make crafts and fun-filled travel on my blog. Most days you'll find me at my full-time job at an elementary school, getting in a Camp Gladiator workout and/or driving through Chick-Fil-A for a tea. In my (very little) spare time, I enjoy photography, playing games and spending time with my family and friends who are like family. My husband and I live in San Antonio, TX with our two kids and four cats.
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Thanks so much for sharing Sara, I am so glad you love it!
I’d wear that shirt all the time. I love it. It looks comfortable too.
That is so cute! Repeat Repeat Repeat! Does it come in any other colors?
I think it’s just that color, but I could be wrong (it happens a lot!). 🙂
I LOVE that shirt and have been wanting one! Someone tell my hubby for me before Valentine’s Day! 😉
I think I need to get this for my contibutor on my blog. She does so much for me that I truly think she deserves it!
She’s so talented, isn’t she? I love that she’s opened a store, and that is the cutest tee!