**Full Disclosure: This post is a contest entry. If this entry wins, I will go on the Duck Dynasty Cruise in October. Pastor Randy would win the same thing. All opinions are my own.
Pastor Randy wants people to know God and he whole-heartedly supports discipleship classes at our church in order for that to happen. He is a passionate, caring, understanding, encouraging man.
It was difficult to locate a photo of Pastor Randy, as he (apparently) isn’t a fan of photos. His daughter let me use this one from the dedication of our new worship building.
Pastor Randy is such an great example to my family and I but I feel like my words just aren’t sufficient, so I asked a few friends from church to tell me a story about Pastor Randy or why he is special to them.
They said:
Michelle: Last year, my son wrote him a note about sharing Christ with his friends. I didn’t even realize he had done it. A couple of weeks later, Pastor Randy wrote him a very personalized, detailed, and encouraging letter.
Rebekah: Pastor Randy was there immediately (or so it seemed) at the death of both my mother-in-law and father-in-law. (My mother-in-law died at like 3am on a Sunday.) He prayed with us and led us in the doxology. He cried with us and led us through the whole awful process. He means a lot to our family and for more than just this.
Emily: He has prayed for us and with us during times that we’ve had health scares with both boys, including coming to visit us in the ER when my youngest was about 1 1/2 weeks old and we were terrified. He has helped to lead both of our boys to Christ and baptized both of them. He is always willing to give his time to others and I’m sure, at times, that means time away from his own family. Having a dad that was a pastor, I know exactly what that’s like.
Kelli: To me it is hard to put words to describe Randy, but here is my in-eloquent try. He is a man seeking after God’s own heart who is continually helping his flock do the same. He has helped lead me and my son to a saving relationship with Christ. My husband and I are continually moved and touched by God’s words that Pastor Randy faithfully delivers to us on Sundays. My husband has witnessed him present the gospel and counsel drug users, friends have told of his visits to them at the hospital when they or their kids have been sick, and there are countless times he has comforted those who have lost loved ones. Since my father-in- law is a pastor we understand the hard work and dedication that is involved in this job. You often have to walk away from your own family to help out the church members in need, but he does this with a smile and kind spirit. I thank God for our church and the pastor he has placed here. May he continually seek after God and encourage us to do the same!
I love to hear Pastor Randy deliver God’s word every Sunday because he shares truth and wisdom with a little splash of humor and a few interesting facts. But Emily and Kelli are right, Pastor Randy spends so much time taking care of the members of our church and I feel like he deserves time to rejuvenate and care for his own mental health.
Thank you, Pastor Randy, for all you do!!
Family Christian is sending three bloggers (and their +1’s) and three pastors (with their +1’s) on a cruise with the Duck Dynasty Crew. It sounds like a blast, doesn’t it?! The cruise will take place October 22-26 and will sail from Miami. Get more information here: http://www.duckcommandercruise.com/
Would you love to cruise with Duck Dynasty?
Now’s your chance! You can win a cruise by going into your local Family Christian store, or entering online here: http://www.familychristian.com/duckcruise
What a beautiful idea to send your pastor on a rejuvenating cruise! I feel blessed to have a truly amazing Pastor as well. It took me a while to find the right church when I first moved to LA but once I found it I knew it was my spiritual home. We’ve had several pastors in the 20+ years I’ve been there but each one has built upon the others legacy and our church is vibrant and spirit filled and an inspiring place to be.