**Full Disclosure: I participated in an Ambassador program on behalf of Influence Central for Pernix Therapeutics. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
After learning that nearly 4 million Americans suffer from insomnia, I’ve been looking into how to get a better night’s sleep for my entire family. One way to do that is with shut eye strategies. But what in the world is that and how do we implement shut eye strategies?!
Shut eye strategies help our bodies prepare for sleep. They are essential in planning for a good night’s sleep.
Shut Eye Strategies:
- GET ACTIVE EARLY: Getting a good night’s sleep doesn’t just start when the sun sets. Exercising early in the day can strengthen your circadian rhythm, helping to bring on sleepiness at night.
- GET COMFORTABLE: Tell your body that it’s time to wind down. Relaxing activities, like taking a warm bath or reading a book, can help you transition from daytime to bedtime.
- SIGN OFF: Put your electronic devices away at least one hour before you go to bed. LED lights from mobile phones and tablets can activate the brain, keeping you from falling and staying asleep at night.
- GO DARK: Block out the light and move your alarm clock to the bottom shelf so the numbers aren’t as bright. Light and darkness are natural reminders that tell your body when it’s time to rest. Light during the night can send messages to the brain telling you to “wake up!” before you’re ready.
I don’t think it’ll be too hard to implement most of these shut eye strategies for myself and my kids. We are up early getting ready for school. After I drop the boys off at school, I either head out for a 4-mile walk or workout at home. My husband leaves for work before the sun comes up – so I don’t know how or when he’ll find time to exercise but that’s his problem, right!? We have a regular bedtime routine that includes getting comfortable – putting our jammies on, brushing teeth and reading books. All of our window coverings are blackout curtains because they help keep our house cool but it also makes feels darker outside so we can get ready for bed earlier. I’ll move the alarm clocks in all of our rooms so that they aren’t at eye level. My kids aren’t allowed to use electronics after dinner, so that’s not a problem. However, I think my husband and I will have a hard time turning off my electronics because we watch TV after the kids go to bed and I work while we watch. But an uninterrupted night’s sleep is so important to our health and wellness so I’m excited to see how adding shut eye strategies helps my family and I get a better night’s sleep!
To learn more about the importance of getting a full, uninterrupted night’s sleep visit wanttosleepmore.com.
I never sleep well due to pain issues. I wish I could get a good night’s sleep. These are great tips….
I was just talking to my kids last night about leaving their devices out of their bedroom for this exact reason. It’s so important to get a good night’s sleep.
We have a ‘no devices in your room after 8pm’ rule for our kids – but not for us.
These are some good tips. Personally I can fall asleep just about anytime and anywhere which is why I want to try your #1 tip. I think if I were more active earlier in the day I would be more motivated to stay moving and thus sleeping better at night!
I do have to make sure the devices are all off. That glow really seems to affect the way I sleep.
Yes, but i am bad at keeping my phone on and checking it til i am too tired to see.
I definitely need more sleep. I wake up several times a night!
i need to start shutting electronic s off. Im a horrible sleeper
These are all great tips. I have just started wearing an eye mask to bed lately and it’s made such a positive difference in my sleeping routine that I don’t think I’ll ever go without using one. Thanks for sharing your suggestions for a good nights sleep.