I think that making your weekly meal plan and grocery list is one of the most important things you can do in food prep. We make our meal plan Sunday night while we eat dinner. I say something like, “What do you want to eat on Monday?” We go around the table and everyone offers a suggestion. Typically, the other suggestions get rolled over to other days of the week.
After the meal plan is laid out, I make a list of the items I need to buy to make the meals we’ve selected. Then I ask if there is anything ELSE anyone needs from the store (snacks and whatnot). I like this method because everyone gets a say in what we have that week.
I used to have this great note pad for my meal plan & grocery list, but then I ran out. Paula from Frosted Fingers helped me because she is awesome with Excel, but with her help, I created this great printable (and pinnable!!) meal plan and grocery list.
What do you use to make your grocery list??
Share photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen. I would love for you to join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Melinda at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together and enjoying it and learning something.
- preparing healthy snacks
- having a tea party
- counting skills with m&ms
- pouring from measuring cups
- discovering a local restaurant that your kids love
- creating new family friendly recipes
Don’t have a blog, then share a photo you uploaded to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Share whatever you have, we want to see it.
linky rules:
1. Link up only your kid friendly recipes, stories, pictures or cooking lessons here. (No Etsy stores or giveaways please).
2. Link directly to a specific post, update or tweet – not your homepage.
3. Please add a Kids in the Kitchen button or link on your site or blog post or share through social media so readers know you are participating.
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4. Click through and comment, pin, like, tweet or share with other participants. We love to share inspiration and ideas with each other, don’t link and run.
5. Follow the hosts of this feature: Paula at Frosted Fingers, Melinda at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too and Sara at Sensibly Sara.
I can’t wait to see all of the fun food themed ideas, excursions and photos you have to share.
Link up below!
Your printable is great! I need to try it for sure!! I tend to grocery shop for whats on sale and then craft our meals from what’s available. My husband and kids never have an opinion or request for dinner so it’s always my choice, fun at times but mostly a burden because I feel I make alot of the same meals ALOT you printable would be a way to mix things up a bit!
Thanks! I still make a lot of the same things, but having two lists on one page makes it so I can go at least one week without a duplicate. I find that most of the sale items are things we won’t eat or they are pre-packaged (and likely have soy). 😐
2 lists are a great idea! We don’t purchase alot of pre-packaged either so I try to create meals with the protein/meats and veggies that are on sale. I have noticed since we mostly buy fresh I’m making trips to the store 2-3x a week instead of just one HUGE trip. I need to look back at the budget to see how much exactly our grocery budget has gone up!
I like the idea of having everyone’s opinion! I need to get back to planning…I haven’t been in the mood lately and that always means lots of PB&J and hot dogs…LOL.
We haven’t done PB&J in a LONG time! I’m adding that next week!
Is it wrong that I don’t ask for my kids’ opinions?! If I let them pick, it would be spaghetti every night of the week! If I’m extra prepared I make a list on Sunday night, but usually I look in the freezer in the morning and make a decision based on what I have in stock!
Not at all!! My kids ask for French Toast every day of the week – they get a yes every 2 weeks! LOL!
I also look through my freezer, fridge & pantry before I make my list. I offer suggestions based off of what we have on hand.
Wow, I am nowhere near that organized, but we do plan our menu loosely around the school lunch menu so my son’s not stuck with the same thing twice in one day.
I love that idea! J takes his lunch, so I don’t have that problem (yet?).
I printed it! i usually just use a sheet of notebook paper but I think if I put it in contact paper I would use a dryerase and reuse each week
OH! You are SMART! I love that idea!