I am going to sound a little crazy for a second – but I actually enjoy back to school shopping! I love finding great deals and stocking up on supplies to last for the next 12 months. I do most of our back to school shopping at Walmart because I can get all the required supplies like pencils and markers but I can also pick up Kleenex and Viva. Our school asks for two boxes of Kleenex per kid but I always send four because my kids go through tissues like mad.
I don’t know about you, but we collect Box Tops for Education all year long. It’s an easy way to support your child’s school with products you are probably already buying – Kleenex, toilet paper and paper towels. When you purchase certain Kleenex, Scott and Viva products while you are doing your back to school shopping, you can get double Box Tops! But how do you store those Box Tops? I’ve made a Box Tops for Education Collection Drop Box out of an empty Kleenex box.
How to Make a Box Tops Collection Drop Box:
You’ll Need:
- Empty Kleenex box
- Optional: double-stick tape, construction paper, markers, scissors
- Empty the Kleenex box.
- Optional: decorate the box.
- Cut out Box Tops.
- Drop them in the opening.
- When you’re ready, you can shake the Box Tops out of the Kleenex hole.
You can make these collection boxes as basic or as extraordinary as you’d like. It would be easy to make multiple boxes – one for home, extras for your child’s classroom or the front office.
Learn more about the items that have double Box Tops.
That’s much cuter than my plastic bag on the fridge. I try to be so diligent about saving Box Tops. It’s an easy way to help our schools.
I’m going to have to start collecting these more actively. I like your idea! I’m going to keep an eye out for box tops now.
Neat idea! And thank goodness you can get Box Tops on these products because all the crap snack food they give you the Box Tops on usually doesn’t make it in my house. Okay some of it does, okay more than some. shut up.
Don’t worry – we buy plenty of the snack food.
I never thought of making a drop box to put my Box tops in but I think it is a great idea! Plus it is right on the counter so it would remind me to cut them out! (sometimes I forget)
I love this idea for reusing the Kleenex boxes we’ve always got. It’s such a cute way to keep all of our Box Tops for Education in one place. I’ve been throwing them into a drawer in my kitchen and now my drawer is a disorganized mess. Our school is all about collecting Box Tops and I love that it’s such an easy way to help support them. Every little bit counts!
Really great idea! I need to get better about storing and turning in our box tops. This just might be the perfect afternoon project for me and my son before he goes back to school!
This is SUCH a great idea! I have a huge messy pile of box tops in my drawer and I knew I needed to organize it but didn’t know how. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that, I use a Kleenex box for my son’s play money but didn’t think of using one for box tops!