I used a generator to come up with my 2019 Word of the Year but I liked the first word it gave me so I’m sticking with it!
Drum roll, please …
My 2019 Word of the Year is …
I think I’ve done a good job of growing myself (spiritually, mentally, and physically) over the past two years but now it’s time to branch out and EXPLORE more of who I am.
The dictionary defines EXPLORE this way:
1. travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it. “the best way to explore Iceland’s northwest”synonyms: travel over/in/through, tour, range over
– search for resources such as mineral deposits. “the company explored for oil”
– inquire into or discuss (a subject or issue) in detail. “he sets out to explore fundamental questions”
– examine or evaluate (an option or possibility). “you continue to explore new ways to generate income”
synonyms: investigate, look into, consider
With the possibility of some big changes in 2019, I can’t wait to EXPLORE each experience and find out what I’m made of.
I never really have had a word of the year. Maybe I should…but there’s so many words I would recommend to me. LOL Maybe I will just steal yours since I love to travel and explore!
I like the idea of a word of the year but I usually forget about it a few months in to the new year. I’m hoping that’s not the case this year, though!