Hi! I am Sara Phillips from Sensibly Sara. I write enjoy sharing super simple recipes, easy-to-make crafts and fun-filled travel on my blog. Most days you'll find me at my full-time job at an elementary school, getting in a Camp Gladiator workout and/or driving through Chick-Fil-A for a tea. In my (very little) spare time, I enjoy photography, playing games and spending time with my family and friends who are like family. My husband and I live in San Antonio, TX with our two kids and four cats.
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Beautiful images, looks like a cool place.
The planter and chandelier are so fun! I love it. Where abouts in S.A. is this? I’d love to visit next time we are there.
281 & Grayson St will get you there! Here’s the website for more info: http://www.atpearl.com/
Beautiful pictures! The first one of Pearl’s reminds me of a diner that my kids LOVE to go to. It actually reminds me of an old school diner, or the one out of a sitcom.
That is gorgeous! I love the planter and the stables!
The photos make me want to go there so badly! What a cool place!
Come on! I’ll give you the tour!
Love the big planter. I need that here for a garden.
All of the details are just unique. I love the shape of the building too!
Great pictures! I assume this brewery offers beer … how was it?
It used to be a brewery for Pearl beer. I don’t think Pearl is made there anymore but they have really revitalized the area and it’s a great place to go have dinner, visit a farmer’s market (Saturdays), shop, etc.
I don’t drink, so I haven’t had any of the beers sold in the area.
Oh I used to LOVE going and touring the old breweries in Oklahoma City! So cool!
What a gorgeous place! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I’m intrigued! I’ve never been so am imagining what’s in the buildings.
The building with the Pearl sign is a restaurant, I think. The building behind the planter is the Culinary Institute. I’ve never been in any of the others!
Oooooo! That light fixture is awesome! The door pulls are pretty cool too. My daughter was just in S.A. for more training through the USAF and I think a bunch of them went together to Pearl on a day trip. I’ll have to ask her because if this was it, she loved and it and sounds like I would too!
You’ll have to ask her what she did at the Pearl! There is a fantastic (and inexpensive) restaurant – La Gloria – there, too!
How beautiful. Love the buildings facade.
What nice details in a brewery! Hope you had loads of fun!
The architecture is cool, I love breweries!
What a fun place to visit. It looks really beautiful.
Those are some great shots! &That chandelier is so cool!
Love this place! So many things to see and do!