**Full Disclosure: As a member of the Stream Team, I was provided a Netflix subscription, ROKU 3 and an HDMI cable. No compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
I practice kindness (or at least try to!) on a daily basis. So teaching kindness is something near and dear to my heart. I want my boys to grow up to be kind, loving, compassionate men.
Netflix has shows that will help teach kindness.
For the Big Kids:
1. Rudy
2. Mulan
3. A Mile in His Shoes
4. Radio
5. Good Luck Charlie: Down a Tree
For the Little Kids:
1. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Vol. 1 Ep. 6: Friends Help Each Other
2. Arthur, Season 15, Ep. 8: Muffy’s Classic Classy Club / Best Enemies
3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
4. Super Why, Season 1, Ep. 61: The Ugly Duckling: Becoming a Swan
5. The Fox and the Hound
Like most things, teaching kindness comes with challenges and lessons. That’s why I love this Kindness Punch Box! I am going to make one for my kids.
Photo Credit: KLSCrafts.com
How do you teach your kids kindness?
Teaching our children to be kind people is very important. These days I think it gets harder and harder to find truly good, kind people, don’t get me wrong they are out there but it seems I run in to more rude people than nice. I want my kids and grand kids to be the kind, helpful, good hearted people. I like the Kindness Punch Box idea.
Cute idea with the punch box! And love the lists of movies you shared. We have enjoyed many of those with my young family.
We’re trying to emphasize kindness with my son right now. It’s not that he’s intentionally unkind, just sometimes it’s hard for a newly-minted 4 year old to think of others first. Heck, sometimes it’s hard for me to do that.
I don’t think most people are intentionally unkind but I try pretty hard to purposefully be kind.
I’m a fox. I’m a HOUND DOG! Just had to! 🙂 I love it when my kids get into movies that teach life lessons and they take something away from it. Movies about kindness is a great start for them.
My kids and I just recently watched Radio and Rudy. They really enjoyed them!
I completely agree. It is so very important for childen to learn kindness. If they don’t they can’t teach it to others including their own children.
What awesome lists you have there. Mulan is my all-time favorite Disney movie! There are so many important lessons taught in that film.
I simply try to model how I want my kids to live. Shows are great once in a while but I really think they do what they live. 🙂
Great choices! I need to add some of them to our instant que!
I love the kindness box too. For teaching, we like to do random acts of kindness. It can be simple as smiling, holding the door or bigger like paying for the order behind us.
I’m with you 100%. I think teaching kindness is of the upmost importance and want my girls to always act with compassion. I was raised that way, something I am eternally grateful for.
Great recommendations! I think one of the best ways to teach kindness is to lead by example.
Thank you for the recommendations! I am going to watch that Super Why episode with my son tomorrow.
These movies all have great lessons to teach. I agree it is important to start teaching kids kindness early on.