On 4.14.04 I got up, thought my water broke so I called my husband. He came home to pick me up, and we headed to the hospital. We found a parking space (I wanted to walk, not be dropped off at the door) and when I got out I said, “Uhhh … I think I just peed on myself.” Larry could only laugh at me. We went upstairs to Labor & Delivery at about 10am. James was born at 12:59pm.
Larry’s mom was set to fly in on the 14th, because that was a week before my due date. My sister had to pick her up from the airport, and they got to the hospital shortly after James was born.
I can’t believe my oldest baby turned 8 this week! I am not sure where the time went …
Happy Birthday, Bub!!
It happens so quickly doesn’t it! I thought I peed too lol
I don’t think I’ll ever forget that feeling! It was so awkward!
Cute story! All mine were very long labors except for my last one which was a preemie and Cesarian.
I can’t tell you how glad I was that both of my kids had short labor and delivery times.
That’s hilarious! I knew my water broke because it sounded like a balloon had popped. Weirdest thing ever!
I think a balloon-popping sound would have FREAKED ME OUT!