**Full Disclosure: I received a copy of Mother & Son for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
If you’ve read this blog for any amount of time, you probably know that I have two sons. I love them both to the moon and back but they know good and well which of my buttons to push and just when to push them. My primary goal is to teach them to love like Jesus and part of that is respecting others. Pushing mom’s buttons doesn’t scream ‘respect’ to me.
I’ve been wanting to change the dynamic in my home for awhile now but I had no idea where to start. Mother & Son: The Respect Effect has helped my approach with my boys. I’ll be honest, I don’t get it right every time (not even close, actually) but I’m trying to get better and refine my methods.
The struggle for mutual respect is present on a daily basis in my home. For the most part, I have a difficult time respecting my boys if/when they don’t respect me. However, Dr. Eggerichs suggests that while showing love is important to a son, showing respect is the key to his heart, and that will transform the mother/son relationship.
Mother & Son has real life scenarios to help the reader connect with the book and better understand what Dr. Eggerichs is teaching. Overall, Mother & Son is a book I think all boy moms should read. If we can better understand our children, I think we owe it to them to take advantage of those opportunities.
I have been seeing a lot about this book and I have been looking forward to reading it.