**Full Disclosure: I received product in exchange for this post. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
Now that school is back in session, finding time to fit everything (play, homework, dinner & a shower) in before bedtime can be a challenge. For us, meals that are quick and convenient are key in adding a little extra time back to our routine! Libby’s helps me solve my dinner dilemmas because I don’t have to worry about cooking a vegetable. They are already cooked – I just have to heat them and add the veggie to our plates!
Using canned veggies is the way I learned to cook. When I was a kid, every meal was a protein, a starch and two cans of vegetables. I don’t remember what brand my parents bought, but Libby’s is a staple in my pantry!
With Libby’s help, you can put a meal on your family’s table that is both delicious and convenient! James, Colin and I made chicken, homemade rice a roni and Libby’s green beans one day and Pasta Carbonara (recipe coming soon!) another!
I know this dish isn’t styled pretty, but that was my plate and I thought about taking the picture right before digging in. It was GOOD! And it only took about 25 minutes to cook everything – the rice a roni was the longest. The chicken is just a breast with season-all, salt & pepper cooked in a skillet.
Pasta Carbonara has always been a dish I’ve avoided because it just looks too time consuming and fancy for me but I am so glad I gave it a try! The part of the meal that takes the longest is the bacon – you could substitute the real thing for the pre-cooked stuff, but I was not willing to do that. All in all, it took about 30 minutes to put together. My kids weren’t a huge fan of the carbonara, but my husband and I thought it was amazing! (I’ll definitely be making it again!)
Does your family face dilemmas when it comes to dinner?
Is it convenience, time, affordability, scheduling or all of the above?
{Prize: One (1) Magic Bullet Express Mixing Set}
GOOD LUCK! Only one person per household/IP address may enter. This giveaway is open to US residents only and will run through midnight CST on Friday, September 27, 2013. The winner will be randomly chosen using random.org and an email will be sent. The winner must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen. The giveaway item will be shipped directly to the winners from the sponsor. NOTE: The prize cannot be delivered to a P.O. Box.
It is always a dilemma on what to serve.
having enough food for all meals
My dilemma is always what to make I have 2 kids who eat anything and 1 kid who eats nothing
I think I’d always cook for the kid that eats nothing since the other two will eat anything. Good luck!
Finding new recipes & the motivation to try them are the hardest part of my dinners!
My biggest issue is finding a variety of meals that EVERYONE will eat.
i have the dilemma of what to make in a short amount of time that is easy with the ingredients that are at home, often we have fresh fruit or veggies that spoil too quickly or will spoil and sometimes it is hard to use the things we have at home. I guess i got to get more creative! 🙂
My biggest dilemma is what to cook so that everyone will like it. We have two little girls and I always worry about meeting their nutritional needs.
My dinner dilemma is coming up with healthy, yet quick meal ideas. Like you mentioned, Sara, we’re so busy with homework, showers, reading, and family time, that throwing together a healthy meal at the same time is challenging.
I love slow-cooker meals for that very reason, but my husband thinks they taste like “mush” so I don’t do those often.
My husband has the same opinion of slow cooker meals, which makes me sad because I’m not a cook but I sure can throw stuff into a slow cooker! 😉
Lack of inspiration always seems to be my issue. Once I know what I’m going to do I’m fine.
That’s a problem around here, too. If I don’t make a meal plan things fall apart!
Finding the time to put together a meal for everyone is the hardest!
Scheduling so that the whole family eats dinner together is my biggest dilemma. Next would be making a meal that the whole family likes.
finding new and different ways to cook veggies so that my son will eat them
Making meals to use up our food, and still get the nutritional balance we need.
To make sure we have balanced of everything in a meal
Scheduling and allergies to foods are our biggest dilemmas.
My dinner dilemma is creating a meal that everyone will eat.
my dinner dilemma is coming up with a dinner that will please everybody. it a chore every night it seems.
My biggest dilemma is conflicting schedules! Everyone here wants to eat and I don’t mind cooking. The biggest problem is getting everyone to the table together.
My dilemma is lack of variety. We tend to eat the same things a lot.
my dinner dilemma is to have enough time to cook
i need for time for cooking im so busy
Not having all the ingredients to make a recipe that everyone will eat or having enough time
My biggest problem is finding healthy, easy and fast meals so I’m always looking for new ideas.
My two sons never want to eat the same thing at dinner.
everyone likes something different – I have to make a lot of stuff to please everyone
Making something that will please everyone!
Cooking for one, and not having to eat leftovers for days on end.
My dinner dilemma comes toward the end of the work week, because I do my grocery shopping on the weekend. For Thursday and Friday night dinners, I rely on my pantry and freezer for dinner ingredients.
Me too!
My dilemma is finding new recipes that are affordable and somewhat easy to make so we’re not stuck in the rut of eating the same things. Thanks.
Dilema – getting all of the kids to like the dinner I make and/or eat their veggies.
My dilemma is finding foods that my 18 month old and my husband both like
Cooking for just two is a bigger challenge than I thought it would be after cooking for teenagers!
Clean up is a dilemma. Seems we are always on the run.
Im tired of the same old thing. I need some new recipes.
finding dishes EVEERYONE likes
mine are making quick meals!
Mine is I can’t think of new thing to try.
I never have enough time!
Getting supper on the table fast as everyone’s hungry!
Thank you.
Something healthy and quick!
I would say time and motivation. lol I really feel like I’m in a rut sometimes like I make the same things over and over.
I don’t know how to cook much. So i tend to make the same foods over and over
I need new ideas.
Getting bored..not adding variety
We can never decide what to make, if we had more new things to make it may make it easier.
Lately my Teen doesn’t like what we are having, so I have to make her something else….now I’m cooking 2 dinners, one for us and one for her!
forgetting to take stuff out of the freezer, prepping meals in advance so they’ll be ready after sports and etc, and new meals the same ones get boring!
My dinner dilemma is that my son and daughter like totally opposite foods so most days I am making almost 2 completely different meals, every single meal time! It gets very expensive and very exhausting.
Being pregnant with #2 and a preschooler running around I don’t have a lot of time to be prepping dinner. Some nights I’ma lso just exhausted so I need something quick & healthy for dinner!
My dinner dilemma is what can I make to change up my routine of fixing the same thing over and over again.
My dinner dilemma is that we seem to have the same thing over and over.
My dilemma is finding healthy recipes that my kids will actually eat
My dilemmas in the kitchen are always.. well, never having time to clean the dishes after I’m done cooking! I need a helper for the dishes, oh and I usually end up cooking one thing and forget to put the side dish on to cook such as peas, corn, etc. I end up having to cook them after dinner has been done for a while. It’s frustrating!
My dilemma is that we have lots of left overs that don’t get eaten, but I always want to make sure I make enough to eat.
trying to find something everyone enjoys
My dinner dilemma is that everyone wants something different, thanks!
Not enough time to cook.
Having time to make homemade, good food!
Not switching things up too much. Not a variety
We eat a lot of chicken, so I seem to get in a rut and make the same things over and over again. Need more ideas for the rotation.
I have that same problem. Pinterest offers some great suggestions, though!
Getting my son to sit at the table!
Finding meals everyone likes.
My dilemmas are finding something that my son will actually eat, while also fixing something that my husband is “craving.” ugh.
what to eat
My dinnertime dilema is finsing something to cook for dinner that is low sodium…low fat….low carb, more or less healthy but yet it still being something we actually want to eat!
Having to make 3 different meals a night
My dilemma is always making something that both my husband and daughter like (they seem to have opposite tastes) yet still having it be something of minimal cost
What to serve.