I am so PROUD … of ME!!!
I don’t say that often. I don’t know how to stand up and get things done.
The story:
Over the summer, I found out about the Kleenex Field Trips contest. I emailed it to James’ school Principal and two of his previous teachers. The Principal said she forwarded it to all the teachers, but our “supporters” didn’t increase. There were only 3 supporters for our school. Fast forward a little – school has started, Thursday (9/8, for those interested) was the first PTA meeting of the year. Blah, blah, blah, nothing overly exciting, oh, and you’ll get the Fall Fundraiser tomorrow. Before I left, I spoke to the PTA President, told her about the aforementioned contest, and she asked me to email it to her. I got home, put James to bed, and shot off an email. She emails back and says that (summarized a little) “since she is the PTA president, she isn’t sure she should be participating.” I WAS SO MAD! After all, the PTA is there to SUPPORT the kids at our school – and how can we do that if SHE isn’t willing to step up?! I cooled off a bit (not much) and sent another email asking her if we could send a flyer home with ALL the kids. She didn’t like that much either, but the Principal backed ME!! The PTA President asked if there was a flyer on the website with the information because “we don’t want to take the time to create one.” Again, I WAS MAD! First, I told her there was not (because there isn’t, as far as I know). But, five minutes later, I shot off an email with all the information in a Word Document. I CREATED THE FLYER!! (In less than five minutes, mind you!) I never heard back.
Today, James came home with my flyer in his backpack!! Half a sheet of PURPLE paper ….
I can’t say we will win, but I CAN say that if we win, it was because of ME!!! Well, ok, not really, because other parents had to become supporters of our school. But, if we win, our kids win, and THAT is something to be proud of!!
What have you done to support your kiddo’s school??
Yay yay yay you!! That’s awesome, mission accomplished. Take that PTA Pres!! Way to go Sara!!