While it may occasionally take some work to muster up those words, “I love parenting,” it doesn’t have to be a struggle. There are some small changes you can make in your parenting world that will push you towards being a happier parent. Once you start to work towards being a happier parent, your children will follow suit.
5 Ways to be a Happier Parent:
1. Take Time for You – I get it, so many people tell you this and you simply wonder how you find time for you. Raising children is no joke and there’s little time in between to even muster up the time or energy for you. You must learn to put a few minutes for you every day, even if it’s only 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night, doing this every day will help you be happier.
2. Acknowledge Your Successes – many parents will say that they are not doing all that they could do or that they feel their children are suffering because they just don’t have the time to do everything. Fact of the matter is that if your children are supplied with their needs, they feel secure and safe with you then you are doing an amazing job. Give yourself a pat on the back for raising your children, learn to acknowledge your successes in parenthood and do so often.
3. Let Your Children Be Children – it’s so easy to get caught up in hovering over your children day in and day out. No parent wants their children to get hurt. This causes unnecessary stress and drama. Learn to let your children enjoy childhood by allowing them to have experiences that will create everlasting memories. If your child gets a bump or bruise, that’s okay, that’s what childhood is for – to get hurt while their parents are there to guide them through it.
4. Have a Sense of Humor – parenting doesn’t have to be all serious and boring. If you can learn to have a sense of humor while raising your children, then you will start to feel yourself smiling more often. Be okay and laugh with boy humor if you are raising boys, learn to think your daughter is the most hilarious person on the planet. When they make a mess? Try to have fun with cleanup so laughter ensues while you teach them to pick up after themselves.
5. Remember Each Day is a New Day – learning to let go of what happened today before you lay down to sleep each night and wake up knowing that each morning is a chance to start anew, is a huge step towards being a happier parent. Let go of all the tantrums, issues, and drama that ensued the day before – today is a whole new day to tackle!
Being a happier parent isn’t immensely difficult, it just takes a few simple steps forward and a little change of mindset. Once you start to implement each of these tips into your everyday parenting life, you will see how quickly you become a happier parent.
That look! Sometimes it’s so hard, but these are great reminders!