As part of the ’30 things my kids should know about me’ challenge, I am sharing 3 legitimate fears I have and how they came to be.
If you asked my husband, he would tell you that I have a zillion irrational fears. He is probably right.
1. Heights – I can’t tell you exactly where my fear of heights comes from, but when I was a kid, I had a nightmare that I fell down a flight of stairs at my uncle’s house. He never had a two-story house, so that’s not possible. I have been working hard to over-come this fear. I’ve been to the top of the Space Needle and walked out on the Sky Deck Ledge. I can’t say I enjoyed either experience, but I DID them!
2. Being Alone Overnight – When my husband and kids go out of town without me, I freak myself out. I hear strange noises that are ‘normal’ on any other night. So I stay up SUPER late watching comedy movies and then go to bed with some of the lights left on.
3. Failing – This one is so broad. I have a fear of failing as a mom, a wife, a blogger, a friend. I am afraid of disappointing my husband, I am afraid my kids will not become productive members of society, I’m afraid no one would read my blog and I’m afraid of disappointing my friends. In my eyes, all of these would make me a failure as a person.
What is your biggest fear?
I’m also afraid of heights and failing. I have an even bigger fear of failing as a mom. Of screwing up my kids. It is completely irrational and I know it but I struggle with it all the same. It came about from my mom who when I was a teen would say over and over, “you better not have kids. With your temper and lack of homemaking abilities you will need to hire out help.” UGH. THANKS!