**Full Disclosure: DriveShop provided me with the Mazda CX-9 for review purposes. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
When we were first married, Larry was far more adventurous than I ever could have dreamed to be. His adventurous ways eventually rubbed off on me and we regularly ventured out to explore nearby places. But these days, it seems like I am much more likely to suggest a trip up the highway to tour not-so-hidden treasures than he is. One weekend, I was wanting to visit the Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead in Dripping Springs, Texas because I love all things related to history. I think it’s such a blast to immerse myself in and learn all I can about the people and things of that period. I couldn’t talk Larry and our boys into taking the drive with me but I did manage to convince my mom which wasn’t hard since I get my love of history from my folks!
About Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead –
Take a step back in time and into the rich history of Dripping Springs at the Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead museum. Nestled on five beautifully shaded, oak-filled acres, the 1854 farmstead – built by one of Dripping Springs’ founding families – offers a fascinating and informative glimpse into this community’s historic past.
Dr. Joseph Pound came to Texas in 1847 to fight in the war against Mexico. In the early 1850s, he returned from Kentucky with his wife, Sarah, and they became a founding family in Dripping Springs. I don’t want to think about miserable it would have been to travel from Kentucky to central Texas without comfy seats, a fully enclosed car or air conditioning. Or how long it would take them to travel from what’s now Dripping Springs to present-day San Antonio for a ‘quick trip.’ All I know is I’m grateful for cars, like the Mazda CX-9, which allow me to travel from San Antonio to Dripping Springs (and back again!) in less than three hours with the air on full blast, the music as low or as loud as I want and memory seat settings.
The docent-led tour around Dr. Pound’s Historical Farmstead was so interesting and informative. The grounds were well-kept and beautifully green and there were amazing antiques, like a mustache cup, old obstetrics medical books, old medicine bottles, and the 1900’s books pictured below. If you are looking for something to do just a little more than an hour from San Antonio, I definitely recommend a trip to the Farmstead. It would be fun way to fit some learning in over the weekends or summer months!
Starting at just $32,000, the Mazda CX-9 has more than enough room for seven passengers and gets about 28 miles to the gallon. The thing I love most about Mazda vehicles is the thought that goes into the design – everything in the vehicle makes sense and serves a purpose.
With all the wildflowers on the side of the road, I wanted to stop every five minutes or so on the way home to take pictures of the CX-9 but resisted and only stopped once. I had a fantastic time at the Dr. Pound Historical Farmstead and driving to Dripping Springs and back with my mom was so much fun!
I have not even heard of this place…I do love history, so I’m so glad you shared this with us!