**Full Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Sverve. All opinions are my own.
If you’ve read SensiblySara for any amount of time, you know I have two boys. And while they will play with some ‘girl toys’ – the Doc McStuffins Get Better Talking Mobile Cart is not something they are interested in. So when I was assigned the cart for this review, I needed to find an assistant. I asked a friend if I could borrow her 3 year old daughter, Lily. Lily loves Doc McStuffins, so it was a natural fit.
I took the Doc McStuffins cart over to visit Lily and her mom. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on this new toy! I showed Lily how to open the glittery side of the cart, where the stickers are dispensed, how to buckle Lambie, Stuffy and Nurse Hallie into the seat and that the other end of the cart opens so the stretcher can go in and out (via a ramp that slides out). Lily had a ton of fun pulling it around her living room and answering calls for help.
What I Liked:
- Lily’s favorite part was that you could push the button on the CB device and hear the Doc McStuffins music and phrases.
- I think it’s awesome that the handle has a ‘home’ under the cart for easy storage.
- The cart comes with many accessories and things to do, which is great for kids with active imaginations.
What I’d Change:
- The glitter front is supposed to come down with the push of the (bandage) button, but I had to push the button and pull the edge at the same time. It was difficult for Lily to manage.
All in all, the Doc McStuffins Get Better Talking Mobile Cart was a big hit and I’d recommend it for kids 3-6.
The Doc McStuffins Get Better Talking Mobile Cart gives kids everything they need to provide on-the-go care. Kids can let friends know they’re in a hurry with the motion-activated siren that lights up and plays the Doc Mobile song. This Doc McStuffins cart is equipped with a working ladder to help toys wherever they are. Future doctors can use the light and sound EKG, otoscope and thermometer to give on-site checkups and fix boo boos with the bandage sticker dispenser. They can call in their diagnosis using the working CB and then secure their patients for rolling rescue using the gurney and patient seat.
Doc’s mobile cart can be purchased at Walmart for $49.97 (though it is currently on rollback for $44.99) and includes 2 AA batteries. Lambie is sold separately.
What do you think of the Doc McStuffins Get Better Talking Mobile Cart?
Oh that thing is so cute! It’s bigger than I expected too. I know a little girl who would love that for Christmas!
I think the fact that I have Baby V on my lap screaming “PLEASE! PLEASE!” is a sign that this is a MUST HAVE TOY lol
HA! I guess so! 🙂
That looks like a really cool toy! Wish my daughter was more into Doc McStuffins, they have some cute things!
How cute it that, I wish I had a daughter but I have a boychild as well.
My daughter has a few Doc McStuffins toys. We both love the sturdy glitter that comes on them.
This is so cute! I know a couple little girls who would love it.
We love Doc McStuffins here!
That’s really cute, but it’s funny because my little guy wasn’t interested either. Great post! 🙂
My daughter would absolutely love this. She is 4 years old and loves Doc!
That is so cute! My daughter is a little old for Doc McStuffins (it breaks my heart), but I would love to pick this up for my niece for Christmas.
This looks so cute. I know my kiddos would love it. Making my list… 🙂
My girls would go crazy fro this they love DocMcStuffins and this is the first I have seen it, thanks for the idea!
OMG, my little boy would LOVE this. He watches “Doc Stuffstuffins” with his sisters and would have so much fun with this.
Love this! I wish they would have toys that weren’t so girly! My little boy loves this show!
My 14 month old daughter loves to pull things around and we don’t have very many girly things since I have two older boys. I think she would adore this. Maybe for Christmas!
This is way cool! I’m so getting this for my twins for Christmas!
My two year old is obsessed with Doc. McStuffins, she has been carrying around a doc tumbler cup for weeks. I think I know what I’ll get her this Christmas!
This toy is super cute. And it’s a great way for kids to use their imagination. 🙂
That is so cute!! I know a little girl that would LOVE this!
Do you know if you can buy replacement stickers for the dispenser? Great review! Can’t wait for my daughters to get this!
I am not entirely certain. I didn’t see any, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make them.
It really looks like a pretty cool toy, perfect for preschoolers who love to pretend. I’m sure my kids would love it, even though we’ve never seen the show!
My daughter is dying to get this toy for Xmas. It looks like so much fun!
That looks so much fun! What a cute toy!
My daughter wants this item so bad! I love Just Play toys they make such great products!
great review you have here and thanks for sharing..
Even my 3 yr old son thought this was a cool toy! He does love watching the show. This would make a great gift for any toddler, I just wish it came in blue too. 😉
Me too! My boys would have played with it in blue!