After the start of the new year, my husband was pestering me to go see our (new) doctor for a check-up. It’d been awhile since I last had one, and he felt like I really needed to go.
Let me give you some background:
1. About 3 years ago, Larry’s insurance had just kicked in and we picked a doctor that came highly recommended. I’d made a new-patient appointment, and I’d wanted to discuss depression at that time. I got sick right before, and when I went in that doctor treated me for strep throat but told me I’d need to make another appointment to discuss depression. When I left her office, I went home and changed providers.
2. Last summer before, my GYN had suggested they draw blood and test my thyroid. I wasn’t getting blood drawn that day and I have a MAJOR hatred for needles, so I declined.
By February, I had a new-patient appointment made for the end of the month. When I went in, we talked about my dry, crackly skin and testing my thyroid. (I no longer feel the need to discuss depression with my doctor. But, should that day come, I know Dr. A would be more than willing.) Before I left, they drew 3 vials of blood.
When I went back in March, Dr. A walked in and said, “Good news! It’s your thyroid!!” (It was a 10 .. I really don’t know what that means, but I guess that’s REALLY high.) She told me that once we got my hyperthyroidism under control, all kinds of this would go back to “normal.” I can’t tell you how excited I was to be put on thyroid meds! Dr. A also put me on a daily vitamin, vitamin D, folic acid and B12 (sub-lingual lozenges).
So now it’s April and I’ve been on thyroid medicine and vitamins for a little over a month. I feel SO MUCH BETTER! I have another follow-up appointment in a few weeks. We are going to draw (MORE) blood to test my thyroid to see if we need to adjust the medication and my cholesterol (since we didn’t get this tested before).
I don’t think the thyroid medicine is exactly where it should be, but I guess we will see!
Do you have hyper-(or hypo-)thyroidism?
Have you been to the doctor recently?
**Full Disclosure: This is me sharing personal stuff with you, this post has not been compensated in anyway. I am not a doctor. If you need anything, please seek your doctor’s medical advice. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I have hypothyroidism and high cholesterol. I’ve been on Synthroid for my thyroid for several years but have never really had it under control because I’ve either been unhappy with my physician or they have left. I recently saw my new physician last month and I see him again next week. I had my labs drawn a couple of weeks ago and my thyroid and cholesterol were both high so some adjustments will be needed and I’ll probably have to start on a cholesterol med.
Oh goodness! I hope you like this new doctor better? I have to get blood work done tomorrow to see if my meds need adjusting (I think they will) and to check my cholesterol. Good luck finding your right meds!!
I had the same kind of Ah-ha moment a few years back when I found out my iron level was so low, I was borderline in need of a blood transfusion. End result was a hysterectomy at the age of 30 but I was amazed at how much better I felt and semi-embarrassed at how long I let.made myself suffer just because I didn’t notice the signs or realize just how sick I was! I have heard getting your thyroid levels also helps with unexpected weight gain. So happy you have got some answers and seems like you have a great doctor!
I am glad you are feeling better. Ah-ha moments are the absolute best! 🙂
I LOVE this doctor! I’ve lost a few pounds since starting the meds. I don’t think it’s quite right since I am still losing handfuls of hair and my energy level is starting to diminish again.
Sara, when Arianna was a year old I started losing weight without explanation and my hands were always shaking. I went to see my doctor (thinking I might be seriously ill). I had HYPERthyroidism. It turns out I had been HYPOthyroid all my life up to that point but didn’t know it. Having a baby can turn you HYPERthyroid. HYPERthyroid is much worse for you because it is hard on your heart. I went on medication to try to control it but that didn’t work, so I had radioactive iodine therapy to kill off my thyroid. Now I am on medication to control my HYPOthyroidism! (Back and forth, back and forth…)
I didn’t realize one could (or would?) go back and forth like that!