**Full Disclosure: I want to thank Direct Energy for sponsoring today’s post and encouraging my family to live a greener lifestyle!
I want James & Colin to learn to respect the environment they are growing up in. I want to provide them with the knowledge they’ll need to make their world a better place.
Get Dirty!
- Plant a tree that they can watch grow throughout their childhood.
- Garden together – plant trees, fruits and/or veggies. It’s great for making memories, but it’s also great for the environment!
Use the Sun!
- Open the curtains and enjoy the sunlight rather than flipping a switch.
- If you use a light, make sure you turn it off before you leave the room. Leaving them off wastes energy and money!
Save Water!
- Turn the water off when you brush your teeth.
- Take shorter showers.
- Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.
- Place a recycle bin next to the trashcan. It’ll make it easier to remember to put paper, plastic, aluminum, etc. in the recycle bin!
Use Human Power!
- Walk or bike when possible. If that’s not possible, carpool to save on gas & emissions.
Reuse & Donate!
- Donate old belongings (toys, clothes, etc.).
- Reuse worn-down items to create something new.
Hopefully, teaching my boys these tips for greener living will make them more conscious of their actions and how those actions affect their environment.
It doesn’t take much to make our world a better place!
You can start by liking New Leaf Energy on Facebook. They are planting 1 tree for every new Facebook “like” they receive until 12/23.
Yep, just by liking New Leaf Energy on Facebook, you are helping our planet!
Do you have a tip or trick for greener living? Tell me about it!
I love this! Good job for promoting it!
I would say eating local would be a good one to add to your grow your own tip!
Good one! Eating local is a great tip!
We try our best to recycle all the paper, cardboard, cans and plastic. Plus we take our food waste and put it in a pit to turn into compost. My kids are good about switching off the lights in rooms (even when we’re in there at times!)
We sell out aluminum cans, but my boys definitely know which items belong in the recycle bin!
What a great program. I also think all of those are great lessons to teach kids. I will be pinning this as a reminder to teach my kids those very same things.
my boys are big fans of getting dirty and planting stuff
Great tips! I love the “use human power” one! i just saw a manual lawn mower on Amazon and considered buying it. We are on 1/3 of an acre though so I’m not sure it will work. It would take me days to mow LOL
My mother-in-law uses a manual lawn mower most of the time, but she is only on maybe 1/4 an acre.
Interesting. Does the grass look any different cut that way? Like all rough and stuff?
I couldn’t tell ya. I wouldn’t think so, though.
Thanks for the tips! I liked their FB page and I’ll pin this for my friends to see too 🙂
Good stuff, Sara! I’m happy to say that as a family, we do most of those. I remember really getting into recycling as a kid and it’s nice to see my boys grow up with it so naturally.
Great list! We do our best to reuse and recycle. This year I’m hoping our family can plant a garden together.
We love our local farmers market! The kids love seeing what’s available every week too!
These are great tips. I’m a green person as well and do most of these already. 🙂
Great tips. And you should see just how full my washer is before I run it. LOL
I’ve actually considered getting myself a bike for days it’s just me and I don’t have more than a couple miles to go…I could use the exercise and fresh air, and it’s more social too. These are all great ideas!
Smart! I like that idea!
And I like their page so they plant a tree for me!
I liked them! This is pretty neat!