Let me start by saying, marriage classes aren’t just for couples with issues. They are for everyone – even those of us who want to continue to grow our marriage(s).
Our marriage is important to my husband and I. We’ve promised to love each other until death do us part but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard and we don’t argue.
We recently attended a discipleship class, MarriedPeople, where we learned how to be better with each other and how to have fun with one another. We watched a Ted Cunningham video about ‘Daily Delay, Weekly Withdrawal and Annual Abandon’ and it really made me think about how daily routines and kids can suck the fun right out of marriage.
My husband and I are pretty lucky because my parents live fairly close and are willing to watch the boys anytime we ask so we have date night about once a month. However, because of our very different ideas of fun, we’ve fallen into a ‘dinner and a movie’ rut. There’s not much talking, laughing (unless it’s at the movie) or connection. In an effort to change things up, we’ve put together a list of fun dates and I thought you might benefit from it, too!
Ways to Have Fun with Your Spouse:
- Spend time at an arcade
- Go to a bowling alley
- Go camping
- Play putt-putt golf
- Ride go-karts
- Share random acts of kindness
- Go zip-lining
- Go rollerskating
- Go for a drive
- Have a Nerf war
- Take a hot air balloon ride
- Go geocaching
- Make a fort
- Make a time capsule
- Watch the sun set
- Photograph each other
- Visit a waterfall
- Have a shaving cream fight
- Plan a vacation (you don’t have to take it immediately)
- Go paddle-boating
- Have a pillow fight
- Build something together
- Create a marriage wish list
- Go people-watching
- Wash the car(s)
- Take a class together
- Go hiking
- Go to a shooting range
- Watch TV or Netflix
- Paint together – either take a class or buy the supplies so you can paint at home.
- Have a water or snowball fight
- Make love
- Go for a walk
- Try a new restaurant
- Play video games
- Spend time with friends
- Go to a carnival
- Take a day trip
- Cook a meal together
- Write and illustrate a story together
- Run through the sprinklers
- Include the kids and create a family wish list. Hang it in a central location
- Play cards & board games
- Go to a zoo or aquarium
- Go to a flea market or antique store, set a price limit & buy each other something.
The ways to have fun with your spouse are numerous and they don’t have to cost a lot of money. It doesn’t matter what you do together as long as you both have fun doing it!
Having fun with your spouse can keep a marriage strong or bring life back to a struggling relationship. When you stop having fun together, things can get stressful.
We like to play giant Jenga in the back yard 🙂
That sounds AWESOME!! We really like Corn Hole, too!
Hi Sara,
Those look fun. Mostly shaving cream fight! Whenever I have a relationship again, I am going to try the dialogue by Harville Hendrix. Janice