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Are you on the hunt for the perfect outdoor gear for that special adventurer in your life? Perhaps there are many on your list to shop for who love to get outside and take risks. Today I am sharing 30 gifts for the adventurer as a means to help you shop easier this holiday season. Think cracked lips, hiking and even snowshoeing, here’s a list to find ideal gifts for any outdoor adventurer.
We have it all from stocking stuffers to humongous gifts to the lower priced items. Are you ready to check out what I have compiled for you this season? Let’s get started …
30 Gifts for the Outdoor Adventurer:
- Burts Bees Lip Balm
- GoPro Hero5
- MSR MugMate™ Coffee/Tea Filter
- Smartwool Socks
- Black Diamond ATC
- Hydro Flask
- Hand Warmers
- Lightweight First Aid Kit
- Compact Sleeping Bag
- Bastex Universal Multipurpose Tactical Cover Smartphone Black Holster
- Life-Saving Wrist Bands
- Suspended Hanging Hammocks or Tree Tent
- Mountain Bike
- Snowshoes
- Warm Winter Coat
- Collapsible Water Bottles
- Rolltop Backpack
- Wind Meter
- Stormproof Match Kit
- Solar Lamp
- Jetboil Sumo Stove
- Swiss Army Pocket Knife
- Coleman Single Burner Propane Stove
- Swiss Army Phone Case
- Emergency Food Rations
- Expedition Backpack
- Portable Washing Machine
- Tactical Flashlight
- Remote Controlled Underwater Camera
- GPS Enabled Watches
Hand warmers make a great stocking stuffer
What a great list! I’m putting my finishing touches on gift this weekend and I needed some ideas for my husband – who would love so many of these!