Full Disclosure: I received products from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE® 21 Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.
Last month I told you I was taking the 21-day LISTERINE challenge, and now that it’s over, I want to share the results!
The challenge went well. For the first few days, I set an alarm to remember to brush before bed but then I started brushing shortly after dinner. Brushing after dinner means only water at 7pm – which is nice for my wasitline! LISTERINE Whitening toothpaste made my mouth feel a little dry while I was brushing, but after that my mouth felt clean and fresh! Flossing is tough because my teeth are pretty close together, but I did the best I could! And now, using mouthwash is something I look forward to. Changing up my oral care routine has given me a little more confidence which is something I could really get used to!
James has always been good about brushing and rinsing, but he’s told me he likes the Avengers Smart Rinse better than the other kind we had. Additionally, Colin has gotten much better about brushing because he an use the mouthwash when he is done!
For me, fostering good oral care can be difficult. My kids often fight me and don’t understand why brushing, flossing and rinsing is a must. But LISTERINE products help my family make decent choices.
What’s your favorite LISTERINE product?
Not the best picture – but here’s a ‘Swish Selfie’!
Don’t forget to take part in the 21-day challenge! It’s so easy and it’s an easy way to help kids in need. For every person who posts a “Swish Selfie” to LISTERINE® Brand’s Facebook page, LISTERINE® Brand will make a $5.00 contribution to Oral Health America’s Smiles Across America® program, up to $85,000, toward their goal of connecting 210,000 children with needed oral health services in 2014.
Have you posted your ‘Swish Selfie’ yet?!
I’m like you. If I don’t brush right after dinner, I get busy, I blog, then I go right to bed without brushing at all. That was one habit I definitely broke through this challenge!
Listerine is a great product.
I really need to get better about brushing at night. Rinsing with mouthwash has always been hard to me they usually burn my mouth and I can’t keep it in for how long I am supposed to. But I have been wanting to try some again so I will start off with Listerine Thanks