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Movie Night Brownies Recipe [AD] #MakeItAMovieNight

Author Sara Phillips


  • 1 package Brownie Mix and ingredients for the mix
  • 1 bag Orville Redenbacher Popcorn
  • 2 - 3.5 oz canisters M&M’S® Chocolate Candies


  1. Prepare brownies as directed on the package.
  2. Optional: Add M&M’S® Chocolate Candies to the batter.
  3. Just before they are done cooking, pop a bag of Orville Redenbacher popcorn.
  4. Pour popcorn over the brownies and gently press (so it'll 'stick').
  5. Sprinkle M&M’S® Chocolate Candies over the popcorn.
  6. Let cool.
  7. Serve and enjoy!